Two-Cloud Secure Database for Numeric-Related SQL Range

A Differentially Private Index for Range Query Processing (of the index) and semantic security (of the encrypted dataset). Our solution, PINED-RQ develops algorithms for building and updating the differentially private index. Compared to state-of-the-art secure index based range query processing approaches, PINED-RQ executes queries in the order of at least one magni-tude faster. Range query (data structures) | Semantic Scholar In data structures, a range query consists of preprocessing some input data into a data structure to efficiently answer any number of queries on any subset of the input. Particularly, there is a group of problems that have been extensively studied where the input is an array of unsorted numbers and a query consists of computing some function on a specific range of the array. A comprehensive review on privacy preserving data mining Nov 12, 2015

Two-Party Computation Model for Privacy-Preserving Queries

A Privacy-Preserving Spatial Index for Spatial Query

Efficient privacy-preserving location-based query over outsourced encrypted data paper, we have proposed EPLQ, an efficient smartphone spatial range query solution that preserves user location privacy and ensures the confidentiality of LBS data. Realize EPLQ, we designed an IPRE and a novel, privacy-preserving index tree called ss-tree.

Specifically, we analyze the data partitioning (bucketization) technique and algorithmically develop this technique to build privacy-preserving indices on sensitive attributes of a relational table. Such indices enable an untrusted server to evaluate obfuscated range queries with minimal information leakage. Specifically, we analyze the data partitioning (bucketization) technique and algorithmically develop this technique to build privacy-preserving indices on sensitive attributes of a relational table. Such indices enable an untrusted server to evaluate obfuscated range queries with minimal information leakage. CiteSeerX - Document Details (Isaac Councill, Lee Giles, Pradeep Teregowda): Database outsourcing is an emerging data management paradigm which has the potential to transform the IT operations of corporations. is a platform for academics to share research papers. Aug 30, 2013 · A privacy-preserving index for range queries. In: Proceedings of the Thirtieth International Conference on Very Large Data Bases, VLDB ’04, vol. 30, pp. 720–731, VLDB Endowment (2004) Google Scholar However, privacy preserving in CRT is a difficult problem and to the best of our knowledge no scheme has yet been proposed. Despite the various attempts to solve privacy and integrity in secure range queries, none of the above schemes has been designed with a mobile-oriented mindset.