Linux Server, Server Security, Database Security, Windows Server,Wordpress and Minecraft Server Hacks, How to Guides, Free Ebooks and Server Courses to download.

Aug 07, 2012 · Setting up a Minecraft server on Linux (Ubuntu 12.04) is a fairly easy task on the command line. When choosing your server, be sure that it has (at a minimum)1GB of RAM, preferably at least 2GB. The first thing you need to do is to connect to your server through SSH. Linux Server Security Tutorials & cPanel Security Hardening Guides. cPanel is a very robust control panel in terms of general code security, but on default cPanel installations cPanel security isn’t 100% hardened. That’s why we’ve written useful and practical cPanel Security tutorials to help you with your cPanel Server Security Hardening. Arch Linux – Arch Linux is revered by many Linux nerds. if you really want to learn Linux, you should try installing Arch to get an idea what you’re really up to. like the nerds say, when you learn Ubuntu or Fedora you learn Ubuntu or Fedora, but when you learn Arch, you learn Linux. What are the best Linux distributions to run on a server?

Linux Server Tutorials January 30, 2014 Linux Server Tutorials 2 As a webmaster chances are you will wind up managing a Linux box or two in your time – and when you do you’ll be happy you learned these tricks.

Land of Linux is a free resource for Linux howto guides, installation guides and tutorials. Learn to install Linux, configure and manage Linux servers, desktops and workstations. In this section we'll learn how to login to Linux server using a username and password pair. Login From Linux or MacOS X Linux, MacOS X and most UNIX variants have SSH installed by default, you don't need to install any additional packages unless you only install the minimalist package that does not install openssh package.

Sep 23, 2019 · Tutorials/Linux server update script. From Minecraft Wiki < Tutorials. Jump to: navigation, search. Warning. Since this is a wiki and anyone may modify any page

Jul 19, 2020 · The software may be installed on most operating systems, including Windows, macOS, GNU/Linux and BSD. For more tutorials, see the bottom of this page or the Tutorials page. For more information on Minecraft servers, see the Server page. Notes: Setting up a server takes some time, and some technical knowledge. The Digital Library for Server Management Tutorials, cPanel Tips, Linux Server Performance & Security Tweaks, Step by Step Web Hosting Guides. Linux Server Tutorials January 30, 2014 Linux Server Tutorials 2 As a webmaster chances are you will wind up managing a Linux box or two in your time – and when you do you’ll be happy you learned these tricks. Linux Server Tutorials Quick Notepad Tutorial; 970 videos; 1,338 views; Last updated on May 14, 2019 How to install fast HTTP Server Nginx and configure HTTP Server on ubuntu linux by Quick Spin up Ubuntu VMs on Linux, Mac or Windows. With Multipass you can download, configure, and control Ubuntu Server virtual machines with latest updates preinstalled. Set up a mini-cloud on your Linux, Windows, or macOS system. Install. Learn more about Multipass