Jan 17, 2020

When we run nmake, it looks for makefile in the current directory. We can specify a file using the . nmake -f myfile option. While it may look like cl.exe is doing all the work, cl.exe does the compiling and link.exe does the linking. For all the compile options we can use cl and for all the linker options we can use link. Inti Tutorial: Building a GNU Autotools Project Now we can run automake to create Makefile.in. The --add-missing argument copies some boilerplate files from your Automake installation into the current directory. $ automake --add-missing: By now, the contents of the directory should be looking a lot like the top-level directory of a GNU package you may have installed before: GNU Autotools - Wikipedia It takes its input as Makefile.am, and turns it into Makefile.in, which is used by the configure script to generate the file Makefile output. It also performs automatic dependency tracking; every time a source file is compiled, the list of dependencies (e.g., C header files) is recorded. Later, any time make is run and a dependency appears to

Aug 22, 2018

If no -f option is present, make will look for the makefiles GNUmakefile, makefile, and Makefile, in that order. Normally you should call your makefile either makefile or Makefile. (We recommend Makefile because it appears prominently near the beginning of a directory listing, right near other important files such as README.) GNU Make - How to Use Variables Go to the previous, next section.. How to Use Variables. A variable is a name defined in a makefile to represent a string of text, called the variable's value.These values are substituted by explicit request into targets, dependencies, commands, and other parts of the makefile. C++ Tutorial: make & CMake - 2020

Jun 27, 2017

Tools.ini and NMAKE. NMAKE reads Tools.ini before it reads makefiles, unless /R is used. It looks for Tools.ini first in the current directory, and then in the directory specified by the INIT environment variable.