That's why it makes sense to have somewhere outside the house to hide a spare key for these sorts of situations. As the following examples show, it's always best to have a plan B 1. The birdhouse. Hidden high up in trees, a birdhouse is a great place to hide a spare key. Just make sure those magpies don't fly away with it though! 2.

The Best Places to Hide Valuables in Your House First, let's knock out the obvious: if you have some valuables you want to hide long-term, you should invest in a good safe. It may draw more attention to itself, but it's still more secure than Best Way to Hide Weed While Traveling, In Your Car or Home Jul 15, 2020 How To Hide Money From Your Spouse - Check out the best ways to hide money from your spouse. Stockpiling money for a divorce, or just want to indulge without your significant other's knowledge? Check out the best ways to hide money from your spouse. Rent a safe deposit box. The final option is also the final destination for all your cash, prepaid debit cards, and credit cards.

How To Hide Money From Your Spouse -

Jun 20, 2019

Three reasons to hide a gun. You might want to hide a firearm just to have a spare if your others get stolen or damaged in a disaster. You might want to hide a firearm if you are a peaceable person who is nevertheless forbidden to own a gun because of some misdeed in your past or some arbitrary state law.

Awesome Places to Hide Your Guns - Ask a Prepper Jul 05, 2016