The United States Pirate Party (USPP) was founded in 2006 by Brent Allison and Alex English. Our platform is aligned with the International Pirate Movement. We support and work toward reformation of intellectual property (IP) laws, true governmental transparency, and protection of …

In contrast with the political party systems of many nations, Canadian political parties at the federal level are often only loosely connected with parties at the provincial level, despite having similar names and policy positions. One exception is the New Democratic Party, which is organizationally integrated with most of its provincial counterparts including a shared membership. Rhinos and Pirates: A look at Canada’s federal fringe Aug 30, 2015 ABOUT PPI | Pirate Parties International Aug 16, 2016 Pirate Party Platform Spotlight (Part 3): Fairness For Aug 21, 2015

The Pirate Party's associated youth organisation, Young Pirate (Swedish: Ung Pirat), was, for a part of 2009 and 2010, the largest political youth organisation in Sweden by membership count. The Pirate Party came 5th in the 2009 European Parliament elections with 7.13% of the vote and 1 MEP (increasing to 2 after ratification of the Lisbon Treaty).

CORE POLICY OF THE ICELANDIC PIRATE PARTY - Píratar Þingflokkur Pírata samanstendur af 6 þingmönnum eftir Alþingiskosningarnar 2017 þar sem Píratar fengu 9,2% kjörinna atkvæða.. Sjá alla. Þingmál. Þingskjöl þar sem þingmenn Pírata eru málshefjendur á vef Alþingis. Below you can find the core policy of The Pirate Party …

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Elections Canada deregisters Pirate Party, leader vows it Oct 20, 2017 Canada's Election: A Review of the Pirate Party Platform Apr 18, 2011 Pirate Party of Canada - PPI - Pirate Parties International