(PDF) Altitudes of a Tetrahedron and Traceless Quadratic Forms

Lay, Linear Algebra and Its Applications | Pearson Linear algebra is relatively easy for students during the early stages of the course, when the material is presented in a familiar, concrete setting. But when abstract concepts are introduced, students often hit a brick wall. Instructors seem to agree that certain concepts (such as linear independence, spanning, subspace, vector space, and Exercises and Problems in Linear Algebra text is Linear Algebra: An Introductory Approach [5] by Charles W. Curits. And for those more interested in applications both Elementary Linear Algebra: Applications Version [1] by Howard Anton and Chris Rorres and Linear Algebra and its Applications [10] by Gilbert Strang are loaded with applications. Linear Algebra and Its Applications (Fourth Edition)

8.324 Relativististic Field Theory II, Notes on Lie Algebras

The Lie algebra of , denoted by mathfrak{su}(n), can be identified with the set of traceless antiHermitian complex matrices, with the regular commutator as Lie bracket. Particle physicists often use a different, equivalent representation: The set of traceless Hermitian complex matrices with Lie bracket given by times the commutator.

Special unitary group - Wikipedia

The Vector Space Consisting of All Traceless Diagonal